Hélène Darroze at The Connaught - Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance can I book?

You can make a booking up to 90 days in advance here.

Why do I need to provide my card details for the booking?

Credit card details are required to either secure your booking or to process additional payments such as pre-orders, follow-up charges and/or further payment requests during your visit. Kindly follow this link and select “secure booking”. No deposit is processed on your credit card unless agreed in writing and you will only be required to pay on the day. Full terms and conditions can be found here.

Do I need to confirm my reservation?

You will be required to guarantee your reservation with credit card details, otherwise we reserve the right to cancel your reservation. Once we receive your credit card details, your reservation will be confirmed.

We ask for guests to respect our grace period of 15 minutes. If you do not arrive within this time or without notice, we will cancel your reservation and reallocate your table.

What is the cancellation policy?

Subject to availability, you can make adjustments to or cancel your booking up to 48 hours ahead of your reservation time, at no extra charge. A charge will only be incurred if you fail to arrive for your reservation without notice, or cancel your booking within 48 hours of your reservation. The amount you will be charged is £210 per person for lunch and dinner.

Please note that our cancellation policy is different for private dining, seasonal days, festive days, and special requests as it will be as per a contract or an agreement.

What is the dress code?

We do not have a dress code, so guests are welcome to wear whatever makes them most comfortable. Our guests within the hotel usually opt for a smart casual look.

Do you cater for specific dietary requirements?

Please notify us in advance of your specific dietary requirements to ensure we are able to provide accurate information and advice on the ingredients and allergens in our dishes.

Are children welcome in the restaurant?

In the interest of all our customers, we welcome guests aged seven and above in the restaurant. Younger children are welcome in our private dining areas.