Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

About Maybourne

Maybourne Hotels Limited – situated in Knightsbridge, London - is the headquarters for the world-renowned Maybourne. The Group’s hotels - Claridge’s, The Connaught, The Berkeley, The Maybourne Beverly Hills, The Maybourne Riviera and The Emory – deliver authentic and timeless experiences, which reflect each of the hotel’s individual natures and their guests’ unique tastes.

Maybourne's superior service is made possible by our outstanding workforce of over 1, 500 employees. Maybourne is committed to protecting our workers and ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We expect the same commitment and ethical compliance from our suppliers and business partners.

Our Policy on Modern Slavery

Maybourne is dedicated to upholding human rights, preventing modern slavery, and promoting fair labour practices within our business and supply chains. We do not tolerate any form of forced labour, slavery or human trafficking and we will take proactive steps to identify, eliminate and prevent such practices.

This policy outlines our commitment to combatting these practices and sets out the measures we have in place to ensure our business and supply chains remain free from exploitation.

Our Employee Safety

Maybourne has implemented the following procedures to ensure that our employees are not vulnerable to exploitation:

  • We conduct rigorous checks on all of our workers, including eligibility checks on our foreign and migrant workers.
  • We maintain a central register of external recruitment agents.
  • We have a whistleblowing policy which gives our people the ability to call out suspected wrongdoing

Our Training and Awareness

Maybourne's commitment to respecting human rights and preventing Modern Slavery is clearly communicated to all employees from the moment they join our esteemed workforce. Training on the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy forms part of the onbaording programme for all new members of staff. Our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking is communicated in our electronic Staff Handbook, which ensures that the whole organisation is made aware of our Policy, and the role each member of staff can play in helping to combat modern slavery and trafficking.

To ensure compliance in our supply chain, our supply and purchasing team also receive high-level training on the Modern Slavery and human trafficking risks.

Our Supply Chain Due Diligence

We select highly reputable suppliers to deliver the quality and service that our guests value and trust. Central to our relationship with our suppliers is a shared commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking across our business. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that our suppliers meet our business’ ethical standards and policy on modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Procurement Sourcing Policy establishes guidelines for our suppliers to follow when carrying out their responsibilities. The policy is communicated to all the Maybourne Hotel Group’s suppliers. Crucially, the policy asserts that our suppliers must support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, which include:

  • Working conditions
  • Worker Welfare
  • Health & safety

Our Procurement Sourcing Policy requires our suppliers to always apply these principles and to openly demonstrate that they are doing so.

Maybourne reviews and assesses the risk of slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain. This involves establishing which of our suppliers have published statements and policies under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and monitoring this information on our central register of suppliers. This review forms part of the due diligence process we undertake in relation to our supply chain, which also covers areas such as the origin of goods and our suppliers’ compliance with best practices (e.g. in relation to the environment) and applicable industry standards (such as HACCP and relevant accreditations).

To drive our supplier compliance further, Maybourne provides all prospective suppliers with a Supplier Appraisal Form to assure their compliance with our ethical business standards. The form includes questions on our suppliers’ modern slavery and human trafficking policies and risk management processes. Our suppliers are required to update the form annually, this helps us ensure that our suppliers’ actions and processes align with our values and ethical standards.

Our Ongoing Commitment

In its ongoing commitment to preventing exploitation and promoting ethical business standards, Maybourne will continue to monitor and measure the effectiveness of its Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.

Maybourne is publishing this statement in compliance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on behalf of each of Maybourne Hotels Limited, Claridge’s Hotel Limited, The Connaught Hotel Limited and The Berkeley Hotel Limited and details the steps taken to aid in the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking in November 2023.

This statement has been reviewed and approved by the board of directors of each of Maybourne Hotels Limited, Claridge’s Hotel Limited, The Connaught Hotel Limited and The Berkeley Hotel Limited in November 2023.

View The Executed Statement

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